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Northwest Sportsmans Club

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*Track Chair Link is updated
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Rock Lake Clay Shooting Sports Day 9/17/2024

NWSC Membership Fun Shoot
Sporting Clays @ Rock Lake 9/21/24

It’s time for our second annual Fun Shoot at the Rock Lake Sporting Clays on 9/21/24. We will shoot a round of 100 sporting clays and do games as well. Check-in begins at 8:15 am, orientation at 9:00 am, and we dismiss to the clays course at 9:30 am. Our host is the Rock Lake Sporting Clays llc. - Gun Club in Saint John . (Their facebook link is at the bottom of this announcement.)

To make the shoot more interesting, $10 of your registration fee will go into the “prize pot.” We will *randomly organize all the shooters into teams of 4 people on the event day. The high team will win 50% of the “pot.” The other 50% will go to a randomly selected team from the pool of teams. (*Minor shooters must shoot on a team with their parent/guardian. All other adult shooters will be assigned randomly to a team.)

This is members only shoot. We will limit this event to 50 shooters. If you need to join or renew, we have created an option for you to do that.
• The event fee for members is $80 and includes $10 for the “pot” + $50 for the clays fee + $20 for the catered lunch.
• The event fee for new or renewing members is $100 and includes $20 membership fee + $10 for the “pot” + $50 for the clays fee + $20 for the catered lunch.
• Each shooter must bring their own shotgun and ammo. *Sporting clays ammo is usually 1300 fps or less, #7 ½ shot, and 1 1/8 oz loads or lighter (for a 12 ga). No heavy hunting or magnum loads allowed. Bring at least 5-6 boxes of shells so you can participate in the games after the round of sporting clays.

Email your registration form to Gary or Nate. Or call us with the information: Call/email
• Gary Varrella (509-435-3369/llsetters1972@gmail.com) or
• Nate Perrenoud (509-994-6795/nathan@perrenoudroofinginc.com)

$80 event fee for existing members X ________(# of shooters) _____________subtotal

$100 event fee + membership fee X ______(# of shooters) _____________subtotal

$20 Catered lunch for non-shooters X _____(# of meals) _____________subtotal


NAME: ______________________________________Phone (cell preferred): ____________________

Email Address: _______________¬¬¬__________________________________________¬¬¬¬¬¬¬_____________

USPS Address: _______________________________________________________________________

Charge Card Payment information Date: ___________________

Name on charge card: ____________________________________________________________

Phone number & email: __________________________________________________________

Credit card payment $ _______________Card#________________________________________

Expiration date: ____________ CVC 3 digit code:_____________ Zip Code:______________

Summary of Attendees

Those who will be shooting (*”Youth” are 17 and under):

Name Adult Youth .

Name Adult Youth .

Name Adult Youth .

Name Adult Youth .

Name Adult Youth .

Lunch Only





Rock Lake Sporting Clay Facebook page

membership 2021.pdf (2).docx - (DOCX File) Download: membership 2021.pdf (2).docx 52.83 KB
nwsc board fun shoot registration for 2024.docx - (DOCX File) Download: nwsc board fun shoot registration for 2024.docx 19.40 KB

NWSC Membership Fun Shoot ~ Sporting Clays @ Rock Lake 9/30/2023

   Mission Statement  

This club is primarily a Volunteer Social Club created for and by our friends to preserve our outdoor interests. We will pursue conservation of our environment and the wildlife in it. We will educate in the fields of Conservation, Shooting, Hunting and Related Outdoor Activities. With funds and volunteer work we will support various Environmental, Educational and Charitable groups. This group will always keep in mind that we are all friends that will work hard to perpetuate the things we love to do.

Proudly Representing the Greater Pacific Northwest

Welcome to the Northwest Sportsmans Club Website. This group of avid hunters and outdoorsmen are eager to share our stories and news with you. By joining our club, you are joining a group of people that are committed to the preservation of wildlife worldwide.

Our club is made up of many young families, wives and children that undertake many projects in our region to educate youth and enhance wildlife habitat. We also enjoy each other�s company and conduct many functions that are purely fun.

We invite you to become involved with our many projects. Our group meets once a month to discuss upcoming events, projects, and just get together to share our hunting experiences. Please look through our current events and find something that interests you.

Thank you for your interest in the Northwest Sportsmans Club.

Northwest Sportsmans Club


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